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Definition of Insanity: Cutting Calories/Restricting Fat & Expecting Weight Loss

Have you been cutting your calories and reducing fat and exercising your brains out and still not seeing the needle on the scale move that much?  Persistently and repetitively performing an action that doesn’t produce the desired result is insanity.  Cutting calories and reducing fat while expecting weight loss is akin to pouring water in the gas tank of your car and expecting it to run smoothly. Why do we do it? Are the 53, 000, 000 people with health club and gym memberships this year really insane?

This evening on PeriScope we touch on fat phobic insanity  and the limiting step that actually turns weight gain on or off. (We knew about this in the 1960’s, we just ignored it.)

You can see tonight’s PeriScope with the rolling chat-box questions here at Katch.me/docmuscles.  Or, you can watch the video stream below:

The only way to successfully loose weight is to modify or turn off the mechanisms that stimulate fat storage.  For years we have been told that this was just a problem of thermodynamics, meaning the more calories you eat, the more calories you store. The solution was, thereby, eat less calories or exercise more, or both. We are taught in school that a 1 gram of carbohydrate contains 4 kcal, 1 gram of protein contains 4 kcal, and 1 gram of fat contains 9 kcal.

If you ascribe to the dogma that weight gain or loss is due to thermodynamics, then it’s easy to see that cutting out fat (the largest calorie containing macro-nutrient) would be the best way limit calories.  For the last 65 years, we as a society have been doing just that, cutting out fat, exercising more (with the idea of burning off more calories) and eating fewer calories.

What has this dogma done for us? It’s actually made us fatter! (1)

World Obesity Rates
Obesity Rates Around the World

Some may argue that we really aren’t eating fewer calories and exercising more. But most people I have seen in my office have tried and tried and tried and failed and failed and failed to loose weight with this methodology. In fact, the majority of my patients attempt caloric restriction, exercise and dieting multiple times each year with no success. The definition of insanity is “doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.”

Most of my patients are not insane, they recognize this and stop exercising and stop restricting calories . . . ’cause they realized, like I have, that it just doesn’t work!

If you’re one that is still preaching caloric restriction and cutting out fat, I refer you to the figure above and the definition of insanity . . . your straight-jacket is in the mail.

So, if reducing the calories in our diet and exercising more is not the mechanism for turning on and off the storage of fat, then what is?

Before I can explain this, it is very important that you appreciate the difference between triglycerides and free fatty acids.  These are the two forms of fat found in the human body, but they have dramatically different functions.  They are tied to how fat is oxidized and stored, and how carbohydrates are regulated.

Fat stored in the adipose cells (fat cells) Triglycerides-and-Glycerol1as well as the fat that is found in our food is found in the form of triglycerides. Each triglyceride molecule is made of a “glyceride” (glycerol backbone) and three fatty acids (hence the “tri”) that look like tails. Some of the fat in our adipose cells come from the food we eat, but interestingly, the rest comes from carbohydrates

(“What! Fat comes from sugar?! How can this be?!!“)

de novo lipogenesis
De Novo Lipogenesis

We all know that glucose derived from sugar is taken up by the cells from the blood stream and used for fuel, however, when too much glucose is in the blood stream or the blood sugar increases above the body’s comfort zone (60-100 ng/dl), the body stores the excess. The process is called de novo lipogenesis, occurring in the liver and in the fat cells themselves, fancy Latin words for “new fat.”  It occurs with up to 30% (possibly more if you just came from Krispy Kream) of the of the carbohydrates that we eat with each meal.  De novo lipogenesis speeds up as we increased the carbohydrate in our meal and slows down as we decrease the carbohydrate in our meal. We’ve known this for over 50 years, since it was published by Dr. Werthemier in the 1965 edition of the Handbook of Physiology (2).

While we know that fat from our diet and fat from our food is stored as triglyceride, it has to enter and exit the fat cell in the form of fatty acids.  They are called “free fatty acids” when they aren’t stuck together in a triglyceride.  In their unbound state, they can be burned as fuel for the body within the cells. I like to think of the free fatty acids as the body’s “diesel fuel” and of glucose as the body’s version of “unleaded fuel.”  The free fatty acids can easily slip in and out of the fat cell, but within the adipose cell, they are locked up as triglycerides and are too big to pass through the cell membranes.  Lipolysis is essentially unlocking the glycerol from the free fatty acids and allowing the free fatty acids to pass out of the fat cell. Triglycerides in the blood stream must also be broken down into fatty acids Insulin and Triglyceridesbefore they can be taken up into the fat cells. The reconstitution of the fatty acids with glycerol is called esterification. Interestingly, the process of lipolysis and esterification is going on continuously, and a ceaseless stream of free fatty acids are flowing in and out of the fat cells.  However, the flow of fatty acids in and out of the fat cells depends upon the level of glucose and insulin available. As glucose is burned for fuel (oxidized) in the liver or the fat cell, it produces glycerol phosphate. Glycerol phosphate provides the molecule necessary to bind the glycerol back to the free fatty acids. As carbohydrates are being used as fuel, it stimulates increased triglyceride formation both in the fat cell and in the liver, and the insulin produced by the pancreas stimulates the lipoprotein lipase molecule to increased uptake of the fatty acids into the fat cells (3).

So when carbohydrates increase in the diet, the flow of fat into the fat cell increases, and when carbohydrates are limited in the diet, the flow of fat out of the fat cells increases.

Summarizing the control mechanism for fat entering the fat cell:

  1. The Triglyceride/Fatty Acid cycle is controlled by the amount of glucose present in the fat cells (conversion to glycerol phosphate) and the amount of insulin in the blood stream regulating the flow of fatty acid into the fat cell
  2. Glucose/Fatty Acid cycle or “Randle Cycle” regulates the blood sugar at a healthy level.  If the blood glucose goes down, free fatty acids increase in the blood stream, insulin decreases, and glycogen is converted to glucose in the muscle and liver.

These two mechanisms ensure that there is always unleaded (glucose) or diesel fuel (free fatty acids) available for every one of the cells in the body. This provides the flexibility to use glucose in times of plenty, like summer time, and free fatty acids in times of famine or winter when external sources of glucose are unavailable.

The regulation of fat storage, then, is hormonal, not thermodynamic. Unfortunately, we’ve know this for over 65 years and ignored it.

We’ve ignored it for political reasons, but that’s for another blog post . . .


1. James, W. J Intern Med, 2008, 263(4): 336-352

2. Wertheimer, E. “Introduction: A Perspective.” Handbook of Physiology. Renold & Cahill. 1965.

3. Taubs, G. “The Carbohydrate Hypothesis, II” Good Calorie, Bad Calorie. Random House, Inc. 2007, p 376-403.

Adrenal Insufficiency, Adrenal Fatigue, PseudoCushing’s Syndrome – Oh My!

Adrenal Fatigue? Adrenal Insufficiency?  Cortisol? PseudoCushing’s Syndrome?  What do these terms mean and why are they all over the internet these days? And, what do they have to do with your weight loss?

This was our topic this evening on PeriScope.  Katch Dr. Nally speak about this topic with rolling comments at Katch.me/docmuscles.  Or you can watch the video below:

If you’re not sure about what this is, you’re not alone. I think I’ve heard the term “Adrenal Fatigue” at lease four times a day for the last three months.  If you ask your doctor, they’ll probably scratch their heads too.  The funny thing is that “Adrenal Fatigue” isn’t a real diagnosis, but it is all over the internet and it shows up in the titles of magazines in the grocery store every day.  There’s even and “Adrenal Fatigue For Dummies” so it must be real, right?!  Adrenal Fatigue for Dummies

No.  It isn’t a real diagnosis.  It is a conglomeration of symptoms including fatigue, difficulty getting out of bed in the morning, and “brain fog” that have been lumped together to sell an “adrenal supplement.” (Sorry, but that’s really what it is all about.)  Do a Google search and the first five or six sites describing adrenal fatigue claim the solution is taking their “special adrenal supplement.”

I know what you’re thinking, “Your just a main stream, Western Medicine doctor, Dr. Nally, you wouldn’t understand.”  Actually, I do understand.

Adrenal fatigue has risen in popularity as a “lay diagnosis” because many patients show up at their doctors office with significant symptoms that actually interfere with their ability to function, and after all the testing comes back negative for any significant illness, they are told that they are normal.  But the patient still has the symptoms and no answer or treatment has been offered.  It’s discouraging. . . very discouraging.

That’s because the symptoms are actually the body’s response to chronic long term stress.  Many of my patients, myself included, have found themselves “stuck” in their weight loss progression, feeling fatigued, struggling to face the day, with a number of symptoms including cold intolerance, memory decline, difficulty concentrating, depression, anxiety, dry skin, hair loss, and even infertility in some cases.  Is it poor functioning adrenal glands? No, your feeling this way because the adrenal glands are actually doing their job!!

If the adrenal glands weren’t working you’d experience darkening of the skin, weight loss, gastric distress, significant weakness, anorexia, low blood pressure, and low blood sugar.  The symptoms are actually called Addison’s disease and it is actually fairly rare (1 in 100,000 chance to be exact).  So what is causing the symptoms you ask?

There are a number of reasons, but one that I am seeing more and more frequently is “Pseudo-Cushings’s Syndrome.Pseudo-Cushing’s Syndrome is a physiologic hypercortisolism (over production of cortisol) that can be caused by five common issues:

  1. Chronic Physical Stress
  2. Severe Bacterial or Fungal Infections that Go Untreated
  3. Malnutrition or Intense Chronic Exercise
  4. Psychological Stress – including untreated or under-treated depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress, or dysthymia (chronic melancholy)
  5. Alcoholism

The psychiatric literature suggest that up to 80% of people with depressive disorders have increased cortisol secretion (1,2,3).  HPA Stress responsePeople with significant stressors in their life have been show to have an increased corsiol secretion. Chronic stress induces hyperactivity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis causing a daily, cyclic over production of cortisol and then normalization of cortisol after resolution of the stressor.  This cortisol response is not high enough to lead to a true Cushing’s Syndrome, but has the effect of the symptoms listed above and begins with limiting ones ability to loose weight.

I’m convinced that this is becoming more and more prevalent due to the high paced, high-stress, always on, plugged in, 24 hour information overload lives we live.

What is cortisol? It is a steroid hormone made naturally in the body by the adrenal cortex (outer portion of the adrenal gland). Cortisol is normally stimulated by a number of daily activities including fasting, awakening from sleep, exercise, and normal stresses upon the body. Cortisol release into the blood stream is highest in the morning, helping to wake us up, and tapers into the afternoon. Cortisol plays a very important role in helping our bodies to regulate the correct type (carbohydrate, fat, or protein) and amount of fuel to meet the bodies physiologic demands that are placed upon it at a given time (4,5,6).

HPAThyroidUnder a stress response, cortisol turns on gluconeogensis in the liver (the conversion of amino acids or proteins into glucose) for fuel. Cortisol, also, shifts the storage of fats into the deeper abdominal tissues (by stimulating insulin production) and turns on the maturation process of adipocytes (it makes your fat cells age – nothing like having old fat cells, right?!)  In the process, cortisol suppresses the immune system through an inhibitory effect designed to decrease inflammation during times of stress (7,8,9).  If this was only occurring once in a while, this cascade of hormones acts as an important process.  However, when cortisol production is chronically turned up, it leads to abnormal deposition of fat (weight gain), increased risk of infection, impotence, abnormal blood sugars, brain fog, head
aches, hypertension, depression, anxiety, hair loss, dry skin and ankle edema, to name a few.

The chronic elevation in cortisol directly stimulates increased insulin formation by increasing the production of glucose in the body, and cortisol actually blunts or block-aids the thyroid function axis. Both of these actions halt the ability to loose weight, and drive weight gain.
Cortisol also increases appetite (10).  That’s why many people get significant food cravings when they are under stress (“stress eaters”). Cortisol also indirectly affects the other neuro-hormones of the brain including CRH (corticotrophin releasing hormone), leptin, and neuropeptide Y (NPY). High levels of NPY and CRH and reduced levels of leptin have also been shown to stimulate appetite and cause weight gain (10-11).

How do you test for Pseudo-Cushing’s Syndrome?  

Testing can be done by your doctor with a simple morning blood test for cortisol. If your cortisol is found to be elevated, it needs to be repeated with an additional 24 hour urine cortisol measurement to confirm the diagnosis. If Cushing’s Syndrome is suspected, some additional blood testing and diagnostic imaging will be necessary.  Pseudo-Cushing syndrome will demonstrate a slightly elevated morning cortisol that doesn’t meet the criteria for true Cushing’s type syndrome or disease.

How do you treat it?

First, the stressor must be identified and removed.  Are you getting enough sleep?  Is there an underlying infection? Is there untreated anxiety or depression present?  Are you over-exercising?  These things must be addressed.

Second, underlying depression or anxiety can be treated with counseling, a variety of weight neutral anti-depressant medications or a combination of both.  Many of my patients find that meditation, prayer, and journaling are tremendous helps to overcoming much of the anxiety and depression they experience.

Third, adequate sleep is essential.  Remove the television, computer, cell phone, iPad or other electronic distraction from the bedroom.  Go to bed at the same time and get up at the same time each day. Give yourself time each day away from being plugged in, logged in or on-line.

Fourth, mild intensity (40% of your maximal exertion level) exercise 2-3 days a week was found to lower cortisol; however, moderate intensity (60% of your maximal exertion level) to high intensity (80% of your maximal exertion level) exercise was found to raise it (12).  A simple 20 minute walk, 2-3 times per week is very effective.  Find a hobby that you enjoy and participate in it once or twice a week.  Preferably, a hobby that requires some physical activity. The activity will actually help the sleep wake cycles to improve.

Fifth, follow a low carbohydrate or ketogenic diet.  Ketogenic diets decrease insulin and reverse the effect of long term cortisol production.  Ketogenic diets a have also been shown to decrease or mitigate inflammation by reducing hyperinsulinemia commonly present in these patients (13).

So, the take home message is . . . take your adrenal glands off of overdrive.


  1. Pfohl B, Sherman B, Schlechte J, Winokur G. Differences in plasma ACTH and cortisol between depressed patients and normal controls. Biol Psychiatry 1985; 20:1055.
  2. Pfohl B, Sherman B, Schlechte J, Stone R. Pituitary-adrenal axis rhythm disturbances in psychiatric depression. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1985; 42:897.
  3. Gold PW, Loriaux DL, Roy A, et al. Responses to corticotropin-releasing hormone in the hypercortisolism of depression and Cushing’s disease. Pathophysiologic and diagnostic implications. N Engl J Med 1986; 314:1329.
  4. Ely, D.L. Organization of cardiovascular and neurohumoral responses to stress: implications for health and disease. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (Reprinted from Stress) 771:594-608, 1995.
  5. McEwen, B.S. The brain as a target of endocrine hormones. In Neuroendocrinology. Krieger and Hughs, Eds.: 33-42. Sinauer Association, Inc., Massachusetts, 1980.
  6. Vicennati, V., L. Ceroni, L. Gagliardi, et al. Response of the hypothalamic- pituitary-adrenocortical axis to high-protein/fat and high carbohydrate meals in women with different obesity phenotypes. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 87(8) 3984-3988, 2002.
  7. Wallerius, S., R. Rosmond, T. Ljung, et al. Rise in morning saliva cortisol is associated with abdominal obesity in men: a preliminary report. Journal of Endocrinology Investigation 26: 616-619, 2003.
  8. Epel, E.S., B. McEwen, T. Seeman, et al. Stress and body shape: stress-induced cortisol secretion is consistently greater among women with central fat.
    Psychosomatic Medicine 62:623-632, 2000.
  9. Tomlinson, J.W. & P.M. Stewart. The functional consequences of 11_- hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase expression in adipose tissue. Hormone and Metabolism Research 34: 746-751, 2002.
  10. Epel, E., R. Lapidus, B. McEwen, et al. Stress may add bite to appetite in women: a laboratory study of stress-induced cortisol and eating behavior.Psychoneuroendocrinology 26: 37-49, 2001.
  11. Cavagnini, F., M. Croci, P. Putignano, et al. Glucocorticoids and neuroendocrine function. International Journal of Obesity 24: S77-S79, 2000.
  12. Hill EE, Zack E, Battaglini C, Viru M, Vuru A, Hackney AC. Exercise and circulating cortisol levels: the intensity threshold effect. J Endocrinol Invest. 2008. Jul;31(7):587-91.
  13. Fishel MA et al., Hyperinsulinemia Provokes Synchronous Increases in Central Inflammation and β-Amyloid in Normal Adults. Arch Neurol. 2005;62(10):1539-1544. doi:10.1001/archneur.62.10.noc50112.

The 5 Myths of Weight Loss

This evening we covered the 5 myths of weight loss identified through the National Weight Control Registry’s research findings. What causes “wrinkle face” for Dr. Nally?  We also talked about & answered 20 minutes of rapid fire questions ranging from the amount of protein you need daily to the likelihood a human could be a bomb calorimeter . . . exciting stuff!!

You can watch the video stream below.  Or you can Katch the replay with the rapid stream of exciting comments here at Katch.me/docmuscles.

The Truth is . . . Caloric Restricted Exercise Won’t Work

This post isn’t going to win me any friends . . .  in fact, mentioning this topic a few days ago has already angered a number of them and resulted in an online tongue lashing by a few others.  However, I can’t resist.  And, based on some very persuasive data and personal experience, I don’t care.

Obesity Trends 1971-2006
Source: http://www.health.gove/dietaryguidelines/dga2005/report/HTML/G5_History.htm

Truth is truth . . . it doesn’t change no matter how you spin it, or attempt to fit it into your paradigm.  The problem is what we have accepted in the last 40-50 years as “the scientific truth about getting healthy” is far from truth.  By getting healthy, I’m implying the application of main-stream methods accepted to lose weight, reduce cholesterol, improve blood pressure and reduce your risk of heart disease and diabetes. Live Healthy

For the last 40 years we’ve been told that the only way to get and live healthy is to restrict our calories.  This main-streamed advise continues even today in our USDA 2010 Dietary Guidelines.  And, if you ascribe to this futile dogma propagated since the 1970’s, then you’ll know that the “only acceptable way” to do this is to “eat less fat” (because fat is the most caloric dense of the macro-nutrients, right?) and to “exercise more” (because that’s how we burn calories, right?!) Well, that’s what I thought, too. And that calorie restrictionis the health prescription I doled out to my-self and to all of my patients for the first 8 years of my practice.

Interestingly, most of them, including myself, took that prescription of a caloric restricted diet of 1200-1500 calories per day and exercise 3-6 days a week for 30-60 minutes and ran with it.  Personally, I restricted calories to 1200-1500 per day and began running triathlons.  I performed cardiac monitored running, swimming and cycling for an hour a day during the week and 2 hours on the weekend.  I lifted weights 2-3 days per week as well.  Guess what it got me?  Calorie Balance ScaleFat.

It raised my triglycerides by 100 points, elevated my LDL-C and increased my waistline by 3 inches.  Yes, I gained weight.  But, hey, my doctor was happy because my HDL-C went up by 4 points.

I saw this identical pattern with 3/4ths the patients in my office. A fourth of my patient’s (the group without any genetic insulin resistance) saw weight loss and improvement in their cholesterol profiles, but the rest didn’t.  I had the exciting opportunity to introduce the saddened and discouraged 3/4ths of my patients to STATIN drugs and blood pressure medications.  My average patient’s gained 2-3% of their body fat each year. Those that exercised like fiends were lucky if their weigh gain just stabilized. Waist-Circumference-Better

What I saw in my office over a period of eight years was that exercise and caloric restriction didn’t work.  But I couldn’t say that, because that goes against everything your 8th grade health teacher taught you.  It contradicted your neighborhood dietitian, and it spat in the face of the food pyramid and the USDA Guidelines. The Government wrong?  Never. . . .  Speaking contradictory of the calorie-in/calorie-out exercise dogma was heresy, right?  Contradict, Dr. Ornish, wouldn’t be heard of?!!

If I’ve learned one thing in my medical career, it is this: “Don’t be afraid to question everything” – even Dr. Dean Ornish, the USDA and the American Heart Association.  And, fascinatingly, I’m not the only on that did.


Three Massive Studies did just that . . . question whether this exercise and caloric restriction dogma really works.  This is what applying exercise and caloric cutting did for almost 67,000 people between 1972 and 2010 – little to nothing.

WHAT?!!  Nothing?!   You can’t be serous?

The first of these trials was the MRFIT (Multiple Risk Factor Intervention) Trial.  It started in 1972, looking at 12,866 men with high risk for heart disease and followed them over seven years.  All of them were placed on caloric restricted low fat diets and encouraged to exercise.  It demonstrated that low fat diets and exercise FAILED to reduce weight or stop coronary artery disease in 100% of the cases. Don’t believe me?  Read it for yourself (JAMA. 1982; 248 (12):1465-1477).

The second of these trials was the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI).  This study started in 1991 and followed 48,835 women (yes, that’s a small city of women) for eight years.  They didn’t believe the MRFIT results apparently, so they had a low fat (caloric restricted) arm and a control arm [the SAD diet (Standard American Diet)].  The women on the low fat arm lost a whooping 0.4 kg over the 8 year period (JAMA. 2006 Jan 4;295(1):39-49).  0.4 kg, really!?? That’s almost an entire pound of weight loss over 8 years.  Quick, call Barnes & Noble so we can package that diet and sell it on Opra!!  (Oh, wait, the news media was a little embarrassed by the findings and never really mentioned them.)

Lastly, if research on 60,000 men and women wasn’t enough to demonstrate what most primary care physicians seen in their offices daily, we had to do the Look AHEAD Study (Action for Health in Diabetes).  This study started in 2001 and was supposed to run for 13.5 years.  It studied 5,145 Type II diabetic patients with intensive lifestyle intervention. These patients were placed on intensive caloric and fat restriction of 1200-1800 calories per day with exercise and behavioral counseling.   It was so unsuccessful, that they stopped the trial at 9.6 years – cause it wasn’t working.

The patients did lose some weight through Look AHEAD . . . an average of 6% of their body fat (That means you would have lost 15.6 lbs over 9 years if you weighed 260 lbs. Successful? . . . NOT).  What made this trial worse is that it didn’t improve risk for coronary artery disease and people didn’t live longer (N Engl J Med 2013; 369:145-154).  They just got the exciting chance to eat cardboard for 9 years of their lives.  Sad. Very sad.

Moment of silence

So, what does all this mean?  Exercising your brains out at an expensive gym every morning won’t do much more than help you loose 1% of your body fat.  It won’t increased your life span and it won’t decrease your risk of heart disease, despite what Dr. Ornish said.  If you like spending $40 per month just to stare at sweaty fat bodies jumping up and down in spandex, by all means, please keep going to the gym.  But I’d much rather spend that $40 on a nice rib eye steak at a restaurant staring at my wife.  But, the benefits of saturated fat . . . that’s for another post.

Don’t get me wrong.  I love lifting weights. I love riding my horse. I truly enjoy working in my yard. I even enjoy riding my bicycle.  But I do these things now because they bring me peace, decrease my stress, and allow me to connect with nature.  Believe me, there’s nothing natural about a 250 pound man in spandex staring at himself in a mirror repetitively lifting 30 pound bars of iron. But, we won’t go there.Dont Fear Fat

My friends, and a few of my patients, get their knickers in a wad trying to decry the fact that I’m giving people a reason not to go running.  Maybe I am. To be honest, there’s really only one reason I want to run, . . . and that’s when I’m being chased by a bear.  But what good does it do to guilt a person into participation in an activity that isn’t really benefiting their health or help them lose weight, unless they really truly enjoy the activity for the sake of the activity?

Our health is not based upon a caloric scale of inputs and outputs.  We are hormonal machines. We gain or lose weight and we gain or lose muscle based on powerful hormone signals, specifically insulin.  Simple carbohydrate restriction has profound effects upon our weight, blood pressure, cholesterol and inflammatory states.  Until we each come to grips with the fact that the food we eat triggers hormone responses in our bodies, we will continue down the path of diseases of civilization.  Hippocrates summed it up when he said, “Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food.”