25 Reasons for Ketosis: Part XXIII – BCAA’s & Ketosis #DocTalk #KetonianKing DocMuscles.com

25 Reasons for Ketosis: Part XXIII – BCAA’s & Ketosis #DocTalk #KetonianKing DocMuscles.com
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I’ve got all the wait staff at restaurants drinking butter coffee!
Reversed my diabetes, no longer have high blood pressure and no longer take ANY medications, plus lost over 150 pounds so far!
Thank you so much for the response. Much appreciated!
Can insulin resistance be reversed?
Good to know!!
My triglycerides went from over 300 to 87 in 40 days of keto!! hdl went from 31 to 71
Awesome Michelle
I have lost 8 pounds in 10 days I love this diet
What would be a possible reason of cholesterol of LDL 640 on keto for 3 yrs , it was 140 before Keto?
HDL is 78 now was 55
Should i take magnesium, which form?
Fluff and 6 blueberries every 2nd morning. Delicious. Is this ok?
Is there ever a point in doing the Keto diet that we can eat more regular foods? Or, is this a forever diet?
What range should i be for my blood reading
I’ve lost 70lb and no longer taking 50 units of insulin daily. Just stopped my 1st blood pressure pill 3 to go. Keto is a life saver. Thankyou for all your info.
Sandoz labs cholestyramine powder has 22.4mg of aspartame per 5.7g packet.
Hi Doc

Keto food is regular food!
What I mean is when I travel, it’s so hard to stick to Keto. Any suggestions?
When can we order signed copies from you?
My coconut oil melts easily in Brisbanes heat. Am even drinking it at work. It is not fair your book is not going to happen in Australian costco
Is the Audible release going to be on 4/10 as well.
I just stocked up on 22 pounds of bacon on sale!!!
The Keto Cure: A Low Carb High Fat Dietary Solution to Heal Your Body and Optimize Your Health https://www.amazon.com/dp/1628601299/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_yDqKAb0YXVMA3
Thanks for the link Debby!!
What I mean is when I travel it’s so hard to stick to Keto. Any suggestions
I was 0.5mmol on the blood meter for ketones…whats the range we should be in please
Thanks to you and your guidance I have lost 150 pounds, yes! So thank you!
I’m doing a keto class in my small town… 60 people signed up!! I could use your help and advice
Best time for live for Australia. Thanks so much. 4.36pm Saturday
What about traveling and eating out?
It’s in Greenfield, OH. Pleeeeease help!!
Robert Lustig MD says BCAA’s are bad for the liver, like fructose or alcohol. What’s your take (if I missed it earlier)?
How can I contact you? Can you PM me?
I had my cholesterol done when I started Keto one year ago and my triglycerides were 33, I had them done again last week and they were 108?!? ANY thoughts as to why?? I’ve been Keto all year and feel great!
Yes 6.37pm in New Zealand too great time
What is your take on plexus?
Just finished a 84 hour fast, what do you feel about diabetic 2 doing fasts
Can you have hair loss with Keto
Thank you for no more Nitro free bacon information last live. . Saved me a fortune this week. Big thanks
Gina Exum, you can take coconut oil packets with you to help up the fat content. A fajita is usually an OK choice for eating out.
4.45pm in Australia
Australia- Brisbane Saturday 4.41pm
I drank pickle juice with my fast
I’m geaking out here. You are an answered prayer! If you end up coming to help, oh.my.gosh. biggest thing to happen to our small town in 100 years!! Lol I’ll message you. Thank you!!
Kaiden Fox, I have celiacs. No wheat/gluten.
I don’t fast I like eating tooo much
Where do you get coconut oil packs?
My hair is now growing I am the opposite with Ketosis. Thank you
Gina Exum I unwrap the tortillas to recycle the aluminum foil, but I do not eat anything that’s a grain. I eat the fajita as a meat salad, basically.
Love my Swiss Cacao…helps tremendously
I love that ketone flavor too!
And Raspberry and lemonade
trader Joes
2 poached eggs on brown toast. B/S 9.6. Next day tried 2 eggs fried in butter and 5 links of sausage. B/S 5.2. YAY!!!
Trader Joes has individual coconut packs
35 minutes
Omg. Carbarge = Toast. Makes me so bloated and constipated and gives me cravings.
Why are you not a fan of plexus? They have vitamins, pre and probiotics
Beet root is a covert form of sugar.
Dr. Adam Nally oh, good to know. Thank you
You Rock Doc!!!
Catch some zzzz’s!
Thank you so much Doc
My wife only is able to grow her hair longer when she goes ketogenic.
Left NZ and live in Australia these days. Great countries
We eould love u in NZ
Why not plexus? They are pre and probiotic
Thanks from Minot ND!
Wow. Is it cold there Brenda?
10 degrees right now. Supposed to be in the 30’s next week
Brenda Baier brrrrrr!!! That’s cold.
We’re just used to it! But we are anxious for spring.
My town is less than 50 people! Hahaha 60-100 is a lot!
Missed you live!
Oh, no. Well, watch the replay. We’ll catch you on the next one!!
Dr. Adam Nally I did!
Ashley Merkel
Learn more at http://www.DocMuscles.com/membership/
It’s always a pleasure hearing you. I learn so much
14 months in, reached goal weight sagging thighs no matter how long fast..I’m nutrition educator and health coach too in Florida but can’t get skin to tighten age 52 5 3
I have the same problem with saggy skin (150 pounds gone, so you can imagine the skin), I keep reminding myself that it didn’t stretch out overnight and it was stretched out for a long time, so I can’t expect it to snap right back overnight, if ever. I try to look at the loose skin as my reward for the health I have gained.
Its frustrating though..congrats Michelle that’s awesome!!
You may need colagen
I take it, I literally was looking for you on Facebook…thank you for responding..come to Florida I can get 100 people to attend…Dr Oz coming to my town next weekend..not a fan..but just saying..
Replay & shared
Dr. Nelly! I have been doing Keto for a year. After a year I have lost 25 lbs however feel off the wagon at Thanksgiving and Christmas. Not proud of it! I have been faithful since January first and have gained more weight and have grown out of my jeans. I am gaining only in my belly. Very concerning and don’t know what to do. Do you have out of town patients who are not able to travel? Thank you for any suggestions.
Yes, Laura! sign up for the Ketogenic Lifestyle 101 course at https://www.docmuscles.com/membership/ and we can help you through that program.
Dr. Nally! I have been doing Keto for a year. After a year I have lost 25 lbs however feel off the wagon at Thanksgiving and Christmas. Not proud of it! I have been faithful since January first and have gained more weight and have grown out of my jeans. I am gaining only in my belly. Very concerning and don’t know what to do. Do you have out of town patients who are not able to travel? Thank you for any suggestions.
Yes, Laura! sign up for the Ketogenic Lifestyle 101 course at https://www.docmuscles.com/membership/ and we can help you through that program.
Dr. Adam Nally I was hoping to use my HSA card and I can’t do that through Pay pal. Any other options? Thank you in advance for all that you do.
Does Glutamine have effect on insulin?
Will glutamine have negative effect on insulin
It appears to have some effect in those with insulin resistance.
Bucks County PA
Nancy Canada