I was on the same road my father traveled down before he died at 58 years old…a diabetic having undergone a quintuple heart bypass with multiple subsequent stents in kidney failure, weighing almost 400 lbs, on 150 units of insulin and taking 32 pills a day.

His lab values and mine were identical, no matter how hard I exercised and cut calories.  I was following him down the metabolic rabbit hole without a flashlight and it wasn’t looking good.

In my search for answers and for effective solutions, I completed an additional 500 hour advanced obesity training curriculum going back through all the medical weight loss literature from the early 1800’s to today that included studying the protocols of  Dr. Atkin’s and his pupils. (I know, I know, a lot of details here, if you like to skim, just jump down to the next paragraph ) I discovered buried research on carbohydrate restriction and nutritional ketosis that the medical establishment had long since forgotten.  I created a dietary approach based in the science that works and then started researching companies making foods and products using this science of nutritional ketosis.  I’ve put together all the best things in one place for you to find right here on DocMuscles.com and I will continue adding to these effective approaches as we find them.

I’m an expert on health and wellness and I’ve spent over a decade dedicated to following this program personally and helping people fine tune their metabolism using diet and real food – including BACON, let’s not forget about the bacon!  I specialize in dietary hormone function and helping people achieve the amazing benefits of getting your body functioning at a level that is less toxic, more efficient and more functional. Who doesn’t want that?

I’ve shared a lot about Doc Muscles but who is “Dr. Adam Nally?”

Board Certified Family Physician and Obesity Medicine Specialist

Adam S. Nally, D.O., (popularly known as @DocMuscles), is the go-to no-nonsense community-based physician providing practical weight management & general medical health through a distinctly individualized ketogenic, low-carbohydrate, ketogenic and/or carnivorous lifestyle combined with a cutting edge medical approach.

With over fifteen years of practical, in-the-trenches, medical experience and an enchantingly passionate, articulate, & genuine approach to the treatment of the “diseases of civilization,” you’re going to want him on your medical team.

Dr. Nally can be seen or heard weekly on Facebook Live in his private KetoClan Facebook Group, on his YouTube Channel and he has been health podcasting on “KetoTalk with Jimmy & the Doc” (available at Ketotalk.com or on iTunes for FREE download) since 2015.

As a family physician, father of two, former Air-Force physician, horseman, Eagle Scout and aquaponics gardener, Dr. Nally is a highly sought-after International Keynote Speaker and presenter to a wide scope of audiences including physicians, universities, churches, educators and patients ages from 0 to 102. He can help with your medical issues from diaper to diaper. 

DocMuscles is “The Bridge” between the intricacies of a complex medical system and your individual health.

More About Doctor Nally

To get the down and dirty details, click this link and learn all about my education and background.

About Bacon Boy

I’m Bacon Boy, Doc Muscles’ trusted side kick (and provider of snacks when he gets hungry!). I provide you weekly tips in my “Bacon Bits” column to help you eat healthier and stay on the KetoLife path.

Come hang out with me on Facebook!

I’m trying to get Doc Muscles to substitute his #DocTalk live streaming sessions with #AskBaconBoy but so far he is sticking with the original program… Stay tuned to find out more and enter your name and email address below if you aren’t already receiving our newsletter.

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