25 Reasons For Ketosis: Part XXIV – Autism & ADD/ADHD #DocTalk #KetonianKing DocMuscles.com

25 Reasons For Ketosis: Part XXIV – Autism & ADD/ADHD #DocTalk #KetonianKing DocMuscles.com
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What does you fasting insulin need to be to loss weight?
You talk about Keto balancing hormones. How does it affect testosterone in men?
That’s me Doc
Are you familiar with zipfizz is it Keto ?
For the person who asked about diet rootbeer.
Chronic Stress Doc Nally
Can’t wait for your book Dr Nally
Does nicotine affect ketones or insulin?
Love your advice!!!
I don’t drink soda at all … so it’s ok
Where can I get your book ?
Doc Adam, I’m just using a Dell PC, So I am using extra tabs to reference as you go, Glad to help tonight.
Does this diet help with excessive iron in the blood?
Julie Spiegel, you can preorder here on Amazon also: amazon.com/Keto-Cure-Dietary-Solution-Optimize/dp/1628601299
Thank You so much I appreciate you helping all of us
thank you so much for doing this.
Can ketosis help with low iron and low vitamin d?
Thank You Dr Nally … You Are The Best

Have you noticed any effects of this diet on patients with glaucoma?
Wow, great information! Thank you.
Thank your wife for letting us all infringe on your home time! Some of us have no access to keto friendly docs!
I will definitely have to replay all this info overload
I have a keytone meter but sounds like I need something to measure my insulin. Is there a meter for that or is that only via a lab?
Can keytosis help with narcolepsy?
What’s your favorite keto meal? Not including bacon lol

Thanks Doc Nally, you’re the KETO BOMB!!
Yes! Bring on the meat!
Does your book have info for keto and cancer?
I just need to make an appt and come see you think I need help and I work down the street from you
Finally caught you live! Hi from Idaho in the snow!
Hello Pam!
Know of any Keto docs in central Texas??
Hi Doc. I havent been on in awhile. Nice to see you.
We’ve missed you Julie!
I have had some nasty Lupus flares the past few weeks that have caused me problems with my eyes. (Iritis) So screen time has been painful at times from all the inflammation but getting much better.
You need keto!!!!
Trying so hard to keep my cortisol down. Not working very well. Any suggestions??? I’m stalled.
Walking . . .
Dr. Adam Nally I bundled up and went and walked a total of 11 min! Thank you for motivating me. It’s really hard to lose the weight when I’m post menopausal and OLDER than I used to be. I’ve had a lot of grief in the past few months so I know it’s cortisol! Off metformin and BP meds and A1C is 5.6 so I feel accomplished there. Lots of loose skin that isn’t going away very quick. I’ve been on Keto 11 months.
The Narcolepsy question is answered on page 3 of this article, references a small study: http://madcapnarcolepsy.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Diet-for-Narcolepsy-A-Science-y-View-from-30000-Feet-Part-2-Carbohydrate-C
Not an answer yet…
Dr. Adam Nally Worth a shot, was reading it quickly with you in my headphones
No cortisol!!
Excellent work tonight Doc!
Thank you Anna!!
If you are sick does that effect cortisol?
You’re so awesome Doc. Thanks for all you do for us!
Oh exercise. Ugh
I started 3 weeks ago. 8lb down
I hear ya Margaret
You are so gracious with your time! We all love and appreciate you!
What about allulose?
See my response above
Thanks Doc! Have a great week!
Love the new membership levels. Thanks for doing that too.
I will thx!!! It I’m old! Haha
Does allulose reduce blood glucose?
There is some data showing that it does . . . by releasing insulin. However, there may be some beneficial properties. Jury is still out.
Just joined the new membership – 1year
Thanks Pam!
Saw this trailer in the truck stop and thought of Dr. Nally… It’s not my trailer, but I want it to be.
Whoa!!!! That’s the truck you should be following.
I’m a truck driver. That’s the trailer I WANT!!!
Tim, we need to get you that trailer!!
With a big Bacon Boy logo on it!
Hi Doc from San Diego
We need unflavored ex ketones for autism kids who only drink 1 liquid and will not try other things
Hi doc, from Comox Vancouver B.C. Margaret B
Cortisol not cholesterol
Thank you so much for your help
Thank you for your expertise

When you talk about hormones, do you mean insulin only or estrogen and testosterone?
Right on doc! Do you go live at a regular date and time?
Hi Doc! Hello from Ohio.
Brisbane, Australia
Hi from Pennsylvania!
Leslie Carson Mark DeLuck
Robin from Michigan
Monica Deluck
How much bacon in a day is too much…. don’t crave carbs but crave bacon….
Can you really ever have TOO MUCH bacon? Well, yes, it is possible. I am 6″ 1″ and my calculated daily protein need is ~125-130 grams per day. If I were to have three meals per day, that gives me around 40-42 grams of protein per meal. That means I could eat 8-9 slices of bacon per meal (assuming that the average slice of bacon is 5 grams of protein). So that means ~ 24-27 pieces of bacon per day.
No never too much…. lol …. thanks for answering me.
Dr. Adam Nally I need to unsee this calculation!!!
We gotta get you on the show
You name the date, and I’ll be there, Sir!!
Dr. Adam Nally I’ll PM you a link
Hurry and check out the link to purchase an autographed copy of my book is here: https://www.docmuscles.com/ketocure/
Hope the order went thru? Did the PayPal and it reverted to nothing (blank page)
Just ordered mine

Julie Spiegel it did that to me, I tried it a few times… finally I hit the arrow back button and it went to the screen that had review order… be careful and double check the amount & quantity, mine said 5 because I tried it so many times! Change number hit continue and submit!
Hi from Atlanta, Georgia
Chuck Rizzo Tune in around 27 minutes about eating fat without fat gain
Gday Doc, my son is a National Para Athlete. Intellectual, Dyspraxia, Executive Functioning. Speech Language Disorder, similar spectrum traits as Autism ( ASD). This is fantastic information. Cheers