Coaching/Concierge Membership Login
Will you live a healthy life to 100 years old?
Concierge Membership Direct Primary Care Membership Coaching
We are experts helping you tone muscle, lose fat, balance your hormones, and live a longer, healthier and happier life.
Our Featured Services:
VitalHealth Natural Supplements
Our office is a concierge/membership based practice, we no longer accept any insurance.
We still accept cash, debit, credit & bitcoin – Fee Schedule & Billing Rates
Adam S Nally, DO
Brittany Anderson, FNP
Call to Schedule Your Appointment Now!
(623) 584-7805
Click HERE to Schedule An Online Tele-Health Visit
Mindy Nigro, Medical Aesthetician
What Spa Treatments Are Right for You?
Online Tele-Health Visits
Don’t have time to see Dr. Nally in the office?
No Problem, Schedule Your Tele-Medicine Visit with Dr. Nally
Semaglutide & Tirzepatide for Weight Management
Call for your appointment (623) 584-7805
Before You Get That Knee Replacement . . .
You Need Stem Cell Therapy
Simple Cutting Edge Injections that Dramatically Reduce The Need for Knee or Other Joint Replacement
Jet Lag, Hangover or Dehydration Got You Down?
We offer in office IV electrolyte and vitamin infusions including the powerful Myers Cocktail
Schedule yours today!
Dr. Nally’s Complete Supplement Line:
Complete Multi-Vitamin, Curcumin, Berberine, Exogenous Ketones (BHB), & So Much More. . .
Yes, He Designed His Own Supplement Line Delivered to Your Front Door
Worried About Dementia?
You need Dr. Nally’s Dementia Protocol.
To Get the Protocol Emailed To You
Monthly Spa Treatments + Concierge Medicine at Your Fingertips?
The VIP Concierge Platinum Membership
Worried About Wrinkles, Fine Lines or Cellulite?
We’ve Got A Simple Treatment For You . . .
Struggling With All the Different Info from Diet Experts?
There is a simple answer . . .
Struggling with Weight, High Blood Pressure, Cholesterol or Heart Disease?
You Need Dr. Nally’s Three Principles of Health.
Want Really Amazing Skin?
To Get Your Free Copy of
Dr. Nally’s Skin Care Instruction Primer
Worried About Your PSA & Prostate?
Get the Scientific Truth about the PSA blood test
What you Really Need to Know About the PSA Test
Nally Family Practice
Membership & Concierge Programs
Weight Loss & the KETO DIET
Why Pick Direct Primary Care?
EMSculpt Neo
Skin Revitalization, Wrinkle Reduction, Tattoo Removal
EMSella for Incontinence
Laser Hair Removal
TeleHealth in Our Office
Dr. Nally’s Blog
Hypnotherapy Mind-Body Connection
Alternative To Metformin
The Power of a Good Vitamin
Always Manly
Simple, Straightforward Medical Help You Can Trust
Free Weight Loss Mini-Course
The Free Weight Loss Mini-Course is on its way to your inbox! If you don't receive it within the next 20 minutes, please reach out to us at!
Welcome to!
This is Dr. Nally’s go-to site for providing you the most up-to-date, evidence based health information.
Dr. Nally is the Chief Medical Officer of Nally Family Practice and the DocMuscles Med Spa. He is also the primary author of the book, The Keto Cure, how sixteen different diseases are quickly reversed by a low-carbohydrate/ketogenic lifestyle.
Here you can find updated instruction and wisdom on application of the ketogenic diet to many aspects of your life.
Check out our Direct Primary Care and Concierge Medicine programs with faster access and streamlined costs.
Our goal is to help you to look better, feel better and be free of the “diseases of civilization.”
Click the following link and get connected with an amazing group of people following the most effect health journey available on the planet that we refer to our my KetoClan, where Dr. Nally and his team provide you the most up-to-date science, health information and treatments vital to successfully living a long, beautiful and healthy lifestyle. The only lifestyle that provides increased health, energy, vitality and filled with bacon and brisket . . . but only if you like bacon and brisket. Yes, bacon and brisket are healthy, despite what you’ve been told. Find out why HERE.